Old Placenames
River pools
Gaelic, Norse, Brittonic? A look into the history and origins of place names in and around our area. Names of river pools
Local News
Winter Payment scam warning
Highland Council Trading Standards are urging residents to be aware of a winter payment scam text aimed at tricking people into thinking they have to [...]
Local News
Parents encouraged to enrol their children at Gledfield Nursery
Gledfield’s Early Learning Centre (ELC) service was temporarily mothballed for the 2024-25 session due to the very small roll. Mothballing a service allows for it [...]
Ian Hamilton Finlay at Gledfield Farmhouse
Internationally recognised as one of the greatest artists of his time, Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006) spent a year living at Gledfield Farmhouse in the mid [...]
KoS Development Trust
New staff member at the KoSDT
We are delighted to welcome Neil Graham, who just started his role as new community fitness instructor for Keep Active Together