Windfarm Benefit Funds
between £2,000 and £10,000+ SSE Achany Community Fund Application form Complete and return to David Shearer, Community Fund Manager by email or contact him by [...]
KoS Development Trust
Kitchen Garden opening
After a great deal of hard work from the KoSDT staff and volunteers, the Community Kitchen Garden in Bonar Bridge was officially opened
Local News
Ardgay Public Hall update
Activities at the hall continue to grow from strength to strength. It’s fantastic to see the hall being so well used
Local News
Flight Path, awarded CEF funding
Lairg and District Learning Centre is delighted to have been awarded a grant from the Scottish Government’s Climate Engagement Fund
From the Editor
The spirit world
This year’s Gala
Weekend has been been fantastic, a successful community teamwork! With Halloween (Samhain) around the corner, we explore some of the myths and [...]