KoS Development Trust
The Veg Shed
Community gardener Gordon built a wee Veg Shed to help distribute healthy, locally grown produce, and to reduce food waste.
KoS Development Trust
New staff member at the KoSDT
We are delighted to welcome Neil Graham, who just started his role as new community fitness instructor for Keep Active Together
From the Editor
The full picture
You can support local businesses and the community if you buy Christmas presents locally Our cover features local teen Charlie Macnab who has been selected [...]
Wildlife & Nature
Wildlife tracking
The Dundreggan Rewilding Centre, part of Trees for Life, run a variety of interesting courses throughout the year, but the one that caught my eye [...]
KoS Development Trust
Local Place Plan Update
Earlier this year Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (KoSDT) commissioned Oberlanders Architects to facilitate the production of a Local Place Plan (LPP) for the Creich [...]