Stone on stone (song lyric)
The craft of dry stone walling has no steady rhythmic movement to stimulate the song maker... Song Lyric by Dave Goulder
Local News
Remembrance Sunday gathering
It was good to see many local residents attending the Remembrance Sunday gatherings and primary school children visiting the memorials
KoS Development Trust
Local Place Plan Update
Earlier this year Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (KoSDT) commissioned Oberlanders Architects to facilitate the production of a Local Place Plan (LPP) for the Creich [...]
Ian Hamilton Finlay at Gledfield Farmhouse
Internationally recognised as one of the greatest artists of his time, Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006) spent a year living at Gledfield Farmhouse in the mid [...]
Young Ambassadors
Charlie Macnab from Bonar Bridge has been selected Young Ambassador to motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport.