What's on
What’s on in the area
A selection of concerts, workshops, walks and film screenings to be held soon in and around the Kyle of Sutherland area
Active Schools activities
Kyle of Sutherland area children and young people participate in a variety of activities. Congratulations on their achievements!
Food & Drink
Festive food through time
Societal changes have adapted festive menus throughout the decades, with technological advancements and international influence. Labour-intensive dishes were replaced with more convenient options and traditional
KoS Development Trust
Acknowledgement of KoSDT’s contribution to the community
In September I was invited to Edinburgh to attend an event at Holyrood to mark the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament.
Crossword & Sudoku Solutions
Sudoku, Wordsearch, Codeword and Kakuro solutions
Here you will find the solutions to the three sudokus, wordsearch, codeword and kakuro published in the last issue of the paper edition.