200 years of Post Office

A look at the long history of our Post Office services in Ardgay and Bonar Bridge. From horse-drawn mail to the arrival of trains, and from motorbikes to postbuses. (Part 1)

The first Post Office was opened in Ardgay in 1820, and was named Bonar Bridge Post Office. By July 1830 a daily horse post was established between Tain and Ardgay with a salary of Ā£80 per annum. On 27th. . .

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2 thoughts on “200 years of Post Office”

  1. John Mackay Ross’ father (Alexander) was the postmaster in Ardgay per the 1851/1861 census.
    Alexander died in August 1869, aged 76.. Alexanders father William Ross occupation was recorded as Tacksman.

    Alexander was also an executor of the Will of William Ross whose gravestone is inscribed with :-

    Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM ROSS son of JOHN ROSS tenant of Soyal who departed this life at Evanton on the 6th day of March 1841 aged 68 years. He sunk or mortified Ā£100 sterling in the office of the British Linen Company Bank Tain the interest to be paid annually to those of the name of ROSS then on the Poor’s Roll parish of Kincardine. His will is entered in the Parish records.
    This stone is placed here by his executors DONALD ROSS postmaster and merchant in Evanton ALEXANDER ROSS postmaster & merchant in Ardgay and WILLIAM ROSS tacksman Ardgay.
    December 1855.

  2. I came across this article the other day, quite a few folk in the first photo get a mention. I can send by email if it’s of interest

    Northern times and weekly journal for Sutherland and the NorthĀ –Ā Thursday 05 May 1910

    ā€”On Tuesday evening Miss Maclean, sorting clerk and telegraphist, Post Office, Ardgay, was met by the members of the staff and made the recipient of a handsome lamp and shade the occasion of her marriage to Mr Matheson Bonar Bridge. Mr Polson, postmaster, Bonar-Bridge, presided, and after an instructive and congratulatory speech, called upon Mr David Ross, Kincardine, senior postman, to make the presentation, which he then did. Miss Maclean suitably and feelingly replied. Thereafter the company, which numbered twenty-one, sat down to an enjoyable tea, and drank the health of the bride and bridegroom in the cup that cheers. The dance which followed was heartily participated in, and at intervals songs were rendered by Miss Maclean, Miss A. Maclean. Messers J and R Macgregor, Oldtown ; Mr Tom Ross, Ardgay ; and D. Barclay. Church Street. Mr Hugh Ross, Oldtown, acted as M.C

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