Crossword & Sudoku Solutions
Sudoku, Wordsearch, Codeword and Kakuro solutions
Here you will find the solutions to the three sudokus, wordsearch, codeword and kakuro published in the last issue of the paper edition.
Wildlife & Nature
Let’s talk about reducing waste
Planet Sutherland's Repair Cafes have been very successful Repair Cafes are primarily about keeping stuff out of landfill: fixing and re-using instead of ditching; saving [...]
Wildlife & Nature
Restoring an extinct oyster reef at Dornoch Firth
Since 2014, the project DEEP has restored 100,000 oysters to the Dornoch Firth, near Glenmorangie Distillery.
KoS Development Trust
Local Place Plan Update
Earlier this year Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (KoSDT) commissioned Oberlanders Architects to facilitate the production of a Local Place Plan (LPP) for the Creich [...]
Stone on stone (song lyric)
The craft of dry stone walling has no steady rhythmic movement to stimulate the song maker... Song Lyric by Dave Goulder