Local News
Winter Payment scam warning
Highland Council Trading Standards are urging residents to be aware of a winter payment scam text aimed at tricking people into thinking they have to [...]
Holiday romance gone wrong
Beth Jordan is a local author, photographer and business woman. Her debut novel 'Thank You for the Kiss' is a mix of fiction and memoir.
KoS Development Trust
KoSDT Manager invited to the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish Parliament celebrations at Holyrood
David Watson, Manager of the Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust, was honoured for his contributions to the local community in Sutherland at an event at [...]
Local News
Surge in renewable planning applications
There have been 20 planning applications for onshore wind farm developments in and around our area since 2019 (five of those in the last 12 [...]
From the Editor
The full picture
You can support local businesses and the community if you buy Christmas presents locally Our cover features local teen Charlie Macnab who has been selected [...]