Local News
Exciting ongoing climate action
There’s a lot going on this month with everyone working together to develop an even bigger and greater Highlands & Islands Climate Festival
KoS Development Trust
Volunteer’s Week
Recognising the work of our volunteers To recognise and thank our wonderful volunteers for all of the work they do, we treated them to Afternoon [...]
KoS Development Trust
Thurso Development Trust visit
We were delighted to welcome Thurso Development Trust to The Barn on Friday 28th June. They were very interested in the services that The Trust [...]
KoS Development Trust
Place Planning
In July KoSDT commissioned Oberlanders Architects to assist with the development of a Local Place Plan (LPP) for the Kyle of Sutherland
Windfarm Benefit Funds
between £2,000 and £10,000+ SSE Achany Community Fund Application form Complete and return to David Shearer, Community Fund Manager by email or contact him by [...]