Local News
Surge in renewable planning applications
There have been 20 planning applications for onshore wind farm developments in and around our area since 2019 (five of those in the last 12 [...]
Stone on stone (song lyric)
The craft of dry stone walling has no steady rhythmic movement to stimulate the song maker... Song Lyric by Dave Goulder
Wildlife & Nature
Restoring an extinct oyster reef at Dornoch Firth
Since 2014, the project DEEP has restored 100,000 oysters to the Dornoch Firth, near Glenmorangie Distillery.
Local News
Remembrance Sunday gathering
It was good to see many local residents attending the Remembrance Sunday gatherings and primary school children visiting the memorials
What's on
What’s on in the area
A selection of concerts, workshops, walks and film screenings to be held soon in and around the Kyle of Sutherland area