KoS Development Trust
Harvest Thanksgiving Service food donations
During October we received very generous food donations to our Community Larder from the congregations of Church of Scotland Rosehall and Dornoch Firth Church of [...]
Holiday romance gone wrong
Beth Jordan is a local author, photographer and business woman. Her debut novel 'Thank You for the Kiss' is a mix of fiction and memoir.
Old Placenames
River pools
Gaelic, Norse, Brittonic? A look into the history and origins of place names in and around our area. Names of river pools
Local News
Remembrance Sunday gathering
It was good to see many local residents attending the Remembrance Sunday gatherings and primary school children visiting the memorials
KoS Development Trust
Acknowledgement of KoSDT’s contribution to the community
In September I was invited to Edinburgh to attend an event at Holyrood to mark the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament.