KoS Development Trust
KoSDT Manager invited to the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish Parliament celebrations at Holyrood
David Watson, Manager of the Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust, was honoured for his contributions to the local community in Sutherland at an event at [...]
Wildlife & Nature
Climate Hub’s film receives accolades
It’s been an incredible first year for the film which tells the story of ten Hub members and their climate action journeys.
Old Placenames
River pools
Gaelic, Norse, Brittonic? A look into the history and origins of place names in and around our area. Names of river pools
Sean Baker’s latest film Anora is as much a hysterical romp as it is a profound character study. Film review by Jack Weir
From the Editor
The full picture
You can support local businesses and the community if you buy Christmas presents locally Our cover features local teen Charlie Macnab who has been selected [...]