Photo of the season
Forestry track, Swordale
Larch, a favourite with squirrels, birds, and moths can be found on forestry land all around our area. Photo by David Baker
Kids’ Chronicle
Jacobites and Culloden, Vikings in Scotland, and Gaelic language and songs are some of the subjects studied by local children
From the Editor
The full picture
You can support local businesses and the community if you buy Christmas presents locally Our cover features local teen Charlie Macnab who has been selected [...]
Stone on stone (song lyric)
The craft of dry stone walling has no steady rhythmic movement to stimulate the song maker... Song Lyric by Dave Goulder
KoS Development Trust
Local Place Plan Update
Earlier this year Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust (KoSDT) commissioned Oberlanders Architects to facilitate the production of a Local Place Plan (LPP) for the Creich [...]