Ian Hamilton Finlay at Gledfield Farmhouse
Internationally recognised as one of the greatest artists of his time, Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006) spent a year living at Gledfield Farmhouse in the mid [...]
Food & Drink
Festive food through time
Societal changes have adapted festive menus throughout the decades, with technological advancements and international influence. Labour-intensive dishes were replaced with more convenient options and traditional [...]
Kids’ Chronicle
Jacobites and Culloden, Vikings in Scotland, and Gaelic language and songs are some of the subjects studied by local children
Crossword & Sudoku Solutions
Sudoku, Wordsearch, Codeword and Kakuro solutions
Here you will find the solutions to the three sudokus, wordsearch, codeword and kakuro published in the last issue of the paper edition.
KoS Development Trust
Community cafe visits
In October, Councillor John Grafton visited the Community Cafe as part of our organisational visits, to raise awareness of Autism. He provided our Cafe customers [...]