Wildlife & Nature
Let’s talk about reducing waste
Planet Sutherland's Repair Cafes have been very successful Repair Cafes are primarily about keeping stuff out of landfill: fixing and re-using instead of ditching; saving [...]
Local News
Remembrance Sunday gathering
It was good to see many local residents attending the Remembrance Sunday gatherings and primary school children visiting the memorials
Crossword & Sudoku Solutions
Sudoku, Wordsearch, Codeword and Kakuro solutions
Here you will find the solutions to the three sudokus, wordsearch, codeword and kakuro published in the last issue of the paper edition.
KoS Development Trust
New staff member at the KoSDT
We are delighted to welcome Neil Graham, who just started his role as new community fitness instructor for Keep Active Together
Food & Drink
Festive food through time
Societal changes have adapted festive menus throughout the decades, with technological advancements and international influence. Labour-intensive dishes were replaced with more convenient options and traditional [...]